You are currently browsing the monthly archive for December 2009.

Yeah so I will be playing through the campaign a couple of times, Ending = Simply amazing!!!, before I go online.

WeemanCom Gamercard

Add me if you want 😀

So has everyone finally got their Sega Trinity?

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Well the Vitality Sensor came out of nowhere at last years E3, no one expected an announcement like it nor expected Nintendo to delve any further into health related gaming/monitoring. A lot of speculation about the Vitality Sensor started with plain jane horror games designed to scare you when your relaxed etc by just monitoring your heart rate/pulse. But what more could this device be? Well, the only way in which we can gain some sort if idea is to actually look at what the health industry does with finger monitors. This is all speculation as to what the Vitality Sensor can do as, as far as we know no one has ever had a hands on with the device therefore we cannot attain what the device can do or does when attached to a finger.

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If my understanding of this information is correct. There are:
(79205 / 3)

26402 (rounded) users reporting data on the BBC iPlayer channel.  Each one viewing the channel for 3+ hours on average, to me this speaks of a good but slow start, if I remember in January I will report the new details then.

My own personal usage of the channel tallies between the 8 and 9 hours mark and I find the channel very useful and intuitive.

For those who may or may not notice the interview below, maybe this post title will attract you to read said Interview Blog Post

And on my blog I posted about how the BBC commented on Nintendo releasing a Video on Demand Framework, would the 4oD team be actively going out to get this development platform to play with and hopefully build some sort of alpha version of a 4oD Wii player to test it’s viability?

> > We are actively exploring the opportunity in extending to new devices. That means that the business people are looking at them on the one hand and the tech team on the other hand. Behind the scenes the tech team has already been tinkering.

Ok well it’s not certainly set in stone to be coming but there’s no harm in wishful thinking. But the fact remains that they are exploring the opportunities, I don’t see the proposition to gain more revenue through advertising streams as something the network 4 will want to miss out on!

So as my blog has exploded with activity over searched for 4oD on Wii possibilities (688 hits over 2 1/2 months for a single blog on 4oD!), I decided to hunt down the man in charge Richard Davidson-Houston and try to persuade him to give me a few words on 4oD’s console future, thing is Richard was more than happy to speak to you the gamers who want the services they provide on your system.

So click through for more!
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Yes this is an article about Michael Pachter AGAIN… 😛

Ok in the latest GameTrailers Bonus Round episode (chapter 2, Pachter Vs. Reggie) Michael commented “It makes rational business sense for Nintendo to release it (HD Wii) and soon”. Well I refer you to an earlier blog of mine discussing Michael and his Wii HD rumors, it makes perfect rational business sense IF Nintendo was Sony or Microsoft.

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Well I was originally planning on doing a video on this, maybe I will in the future but I thought it would be good to finally have time to write about it and update this blog.
The BBC iPlayer is everything I was expecting and then some, but still it has me wanting for more from the beeb in services. While the iPlayer channel does everything that the website does in a much smoother and a higher quality than the website was able to provide to the Wii through it’s Opera (internet) Channel, there were a couple of features run by the iPlayer tech that were external to the official website that I was hoping for implementation.
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December 2009
