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Well I touched upon this in a previous blog that compared the 3 motion strategies by the 3 console manufacturers Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo had an Iwata Asks section available to view during E3 but it quickly disappeared from the internet but thanks to Nintendo Europe it has resurfaced and can now be read. I have a short extract from the interview that to me is the most important factor within this interview!

Iwata: I suppose the obvious question is: if it offers such huge advantages, why didn’t you use it in the Wii Remote from the very start?
Takamoto: We actually looked into the idea of including a gyro sensor at the very start of the Wii Remote’s development. But the idea was rejected due to issues of both space and cost which attaching a gyro sensor would entail.

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Well E3 certainly showed that Nintendo’s direction of developing a new way to play was the way to go. Playstation demonstrated their motion/pointer controller that implements the Playstation Eye, along with Microsoft demonstrating their development of Project Natal. Within this blog update I want to look at all 3 of these motion schemes and determine who has won so far in the development and implementation of these.
I intend to look at 3 aspects to determine the overall winner, this is technology, usability and how far along they are in development.


Well first off I will say that each of the console manufacturers have whole heartedly invested in technology that can achieve a vision and do it well.
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May 2024
