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Well to me its simple that this should be a basic feature in ALL next generation consoles. I actually contacted Larry ‘Major Nelson’ Hyrb to tell him about it, he found it interesting and passed it onto the “relevant” departments for consideration. But enough of that onto the idea…

Gamer profile/Online identities should be able to be brought with us. Now I don’t know the full situation on the PS3, but how many of us have had to sit through the damn Microsoft XBL retrieve gamertag? Like especially on a bad connection where you only want to play local multi but still want to register points. So, your identity should be (and this was inspired by the built in memory to the Wiimote for Mii transfer) transferable to friends homes by simply bringing your own controller with you. Before you leave home you transfer an up-to-date ‘image’ of your profile to your controller and when you arrive transfer it automatically to the friends console when syncing controller and it can do a simple quick verification if it wanted to through the connection if ones available. To me this is a necessity for the next gen, yeah everyone talks about how you play online these days, but local is still important to me! AND I want to be able to go online with one or more friends from the same console! MW2 would be a blast if I could go online with my friend right beside me!

Well this blog post may be something that a lot of people will wish happen but in true fashion may never.

What does Nintendo need to do to win back the bread and butter of the industry, shock and awe. The bread and butter I refer to is the consumer that purchases more than one game a month, who vocally express themselves insatiably, who go nuts over every title that satisfies their cravings in games.
Now I fully understand that Nintendo do have a large fan base, but the industry knows that the base on the Wii do not pick-up titles to the same extent as on other systems. The core fans of the Wii tend to stick stringently to Nintendo software, they find it hard to stray from this due to years of disrespectful treatment from 3rd parties on Nintendo hardware with poor ports, features missing and down right negligence for quality. Some of this is still true on the Wii even though it is the highest selling console.

So how do Nintendo solve the riddle, well they can’t necessarily solve it like a maths equation all they can do is take steps in the right direction to rectify and attract those who in the early years of the Wii’s lifespan were ignored for the attraction that was the casual expanded audience. I will try to outline the steps that Nintendo should investigate and take measures to attain these goals.
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As I was discussing with a friend on Live Messenger today, the consumer or hardcore consumer knew much more about the Wii before anything was known about the system. All we had to do was to look at the attitudes being adopted and implemented in the new at the time Nintendo DS. Nintendo did not push the graphical power of the DS as it implemented a 3d chip that was as powerful as the 64bit era and it also included the chip that made the Gameboy 2d graphics as a security measure, they were using tried, tested and reliable hardware and architecture. They brought about innovation through their “New Play Control”, and they tip toed onto the online gaming scene with an overly cautious system. Now with hindsight, are all these sounding familiar. Wii hardware is related to an overclocked and slightly enhanced for security Gamecube system, we have innovation through a “New Way To Play” and they slightly enhanced but not as much as touted their baby steps into the online gaming scene retaining their overly cautious system.
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May 2024
