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Yeah so I will be playing through the campaign a couple of times, Ending = Simply amazing!!!, before I go online.

WeemanCom Gamercard

Add me if you want 😀

Seriously, that is AWESOME!
I should shop around for it, I wonder if Sainsburys still have it for £26, mmmmm…

Well this blog post may be something that a lot of people will wish happen but in true fashion may never.

What does Nintendo need to do to win back the bread and butter of the industry, shock and awe. The bread and butter I refer to is the consumer that purchases more than one game a month, who vocally express themselves insatiably, who go nuts over every title that satisfies their cravings in games.
Now I fully understand that Nintendo do have a large fan base, but the industry knows that the base on the Wii do not pick-up titles to the same extent as on other systems. The core fans of the Wii tend to stick stringently to Nintendo software, they find it hard to stray from this due to years of disrespectful treatment from 3rd parties on Nintendo hardware with poor ports, features missing and down right negligence for quality. Some of this is still true on the Wii even though it is the highest selling console.

So how do Nintendo solve the riddle, well they can’t necessarily solve it like a maths equation all they can do is take steps in the right direction to rectify and attract those who in the early years of the Wii’s lifespan were ignored for the attraction that was the casual expanded audience. I will try to outline the steps that Nintendo should investigate and take measures to attain these goals.
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Well guys as promised here is my Friend Codes, I’m only gonna give the important ones. The Conduit and my Wii System Code. Well the Wii system number because a lot of games are beginning to import friends from that so, do the maths 😉

The Conduit:

Wii System Friend Code:

As another note I may as well add my GamerTag while were all here, it’s not hard to guess, WeemanCom.  That’s it, WeemanCom, I’m very original aren’t I 😉

If you add me, well make sure to leave your respective info in the comments section below, I wonder if I will get any bites here…

Well RawMeatCowboy (RMC) from GoNintendo definitely started something here!

Wouldn’t it be nice if Nintendo had someone like Major Nelson, the voice of the Xbox fanboys? Nelson definitely has his pulse on the fan community of Microsoft’s Xbox division, and Microsoft seems to think that having this community element is extremely important. When it comes to Nintendo, we really don’t get that sort of thing. I’d love to see the Big N have a figurehead that kept closely in touch with the legions of Nintendo die-hards out there. –

Larry Hryb - Major Nelson
Now I have mentioned before that I would love Nintendo to have their very own Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb but this was more in terms of his handling of their online sevices in the same vein of how Larry handles Xbox LIVE.
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NOTE: Hey I’m back, Oxegen was everything I expected and then some. Met some great people, an amazing girl, and had the time of my life. I look forward until next year, if I can go as it is an overly expensive trip. I think I’ve fully recovered, I have completed the story mode of ‘The Conduit’ and I will do a new post soon enough with my friend code for those who want it. Now onto the blog

So many of us if not all of us could point out what’s wrong with Nintendo’s online friends system, and yet remain quite pushed hard to find what’s right about it. The biggest problem is the friend code system, where we were promised before the launch of the system that the codes that plagued the DS’s online would be less of a burden with the Wii. We were promised that once systems are linked using the consoles friend code all subsequent games will be able to link without further codes, yet almost 3 years into the consoles life cycle you can use one hand to count the games that allow this, The Conduit and Mario Kart being the 2 that I have personal experience of.

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May 2024
