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Michael Pachter on his new GTTV show ‘Pach Attack‘ was asked a question;

Now that the iPad has been announced, do you think the device will impede on the console market space?

To which he give a reasonable response to about how maybe in 5 years it will start to contest in the space of the consoles but gives a “yes” to the case of the DS and how it is a better device to play portable games on. Well many of us would argue till were blue in the face about what is a better device to use for portable gaming. But that is not part of my counter argument.
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So in an Interview that surfaced a while back at CVG with Greg Zeschuk, co-founder of BioWare, VP at EA and group creative officer of the MMO RPG group he let drop what Bioware’s train of though for the Wii is or will be for future games.

There’s always talk of you guys being interested in the Wii. Why hasn’t a Wii game from BioWare come into fruition yet considering the Wii’s been massively successful for a fair while now?
Zeschuk: I think… we’re a little slow. No, I mean, the challenge for us has been figuring out what would be the best possible BioWare experience to deliver on the platform. We’ve done a lot of platform exploration – we’ve done our first iPhone game and we’ve done DS, so we’re always looking at platforms. But what’s been hard for us and the Wii is figuring out how to best match the kind of games that we make with the Wii experience.
The optimum Wii experience is a game where four people sit together on a couch and play.We’ve done multiplayer stuff in the past, but our optimal product always engages a player on an emotional level. I’m sure there’s ways to do that on the Wii, but we just haven’t figured that out yet. Once we do that we could very well do something on it.

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May 2024
